Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Should the draft be reinstated?

Everyone has the right of “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”-Declaration of Independence. But since, when has the government been able to overwrite this natural human rights, and since when is the government able to sanction us to slavery. Yes slavery; to put it mildly - “The Draft”. The draft system is not new to United States, it has been around for a while beginning with the American Revolutionary war. The draft system reached its pinnacle during the civil war, the world wars, and followed Vietnam War, Vietnam war made it this system unpopular. The draft system has been around long enough for us to understand the nuts and bolts of this system. This system is beacon of darkness, unrest, and ciaos.
The draft system is a double edge sword, this system has helped in the past by providing men for war, however, this reason is not enough. The draft system should not be reinstated because ordinary citizens are forced into servitude by their country, without concern for their qualification, suitability, or own will and there are enough number of volunteer based men who are want to fight for their country.
The effects of forced labor on military efficiency have been shown in the fighting spirit, efficiency, and professionalism of the military. When ordinary men are forced to work in military, these men serve the country by doing bare minimum. Due to there no prior experience and the lack dedication compared to the ones who has voluntary given them to a cause, this labor tend to cause more trouble to the volunteered soldiers instead of helping them out.
Finally, some people in the government thinks that young adults mature in the military, and are better equipped to face the world. This theory may be true because today's youth have grown up in a society that no longer knows hardship or even hard work, and this kind of event give young adults a much better view of their life and will force them to rethink their life. None the less, the benefits do not automatically mean that the government has the right to force these young adults in to service because there are many other ways to improve this peoples’ life, which will not include a chance to get killed in wars.
Today, there are enough volunteer based soldiers in army. There is no need to reinstate draft because this goes against all the moral that this country stand for and reinstating draft will just cause more trouble for the citizen of this country. Needless to say, the benefits of service do not justify reinstating the draft.

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