Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Setting the Context

Writing about anger is a becoming more and more crucial with passage of time. In this technological age, we live in a world that has made our live more facilitated and at the same time more stressful. The topic I am dealing with applies to almost all part of the society. This emotion is a piece of the puzzle called life which most have to figure it out. Most of us don’t deal with this emotion; while other configure it instinctively, and as far as the remaining go which are only a few of us tend to consciously try to gain the command of this emotion.
Anger has been brought to major attention in the last two or three decades in US. There have been cases when stressed, frustrated husbands have bitten their wives; as a result the courts have ordered to send theses husbands for rehabilitation instead of sending them right of to jail. People have started becoming more and more impatient and are prey to anger. This emotion is made us see life from a different point of view. This new era has also emerged a new word associated with anger known as Anger management. Control of one's anger, esp. when the emotion is frequently felt and is likely to result in violent behavior; freq. attrib., esp. designating a course, support group, etc., which helps achieve this control.(OED)
The latest example of anger which has been lifted by the media is Chris Brown-Rihanna case. Chris beats her girlfriend to plum. Because of this his life is going to take an unexpected turn for the worse. This just shows that the true form of this emotion should not be undermined. The only solution is teaching children to deal with this emotion from their childhood and allow them to gain experience to control this fire. if one gain control it can result in a life changing experience.
This emotion is a positive thing but people rarely see that point .This emotion is good if it does not have any negative social economic outcome. When it makes your word get through, or make you get past your fear. It is a double edged sword if wisely it can protect otherwise it can also cut its wielder. Humanity has been dealing with this emotion since it existence , but right now we have the resource need to change our life for better.

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