Monday, March 2, 2009

“Field Observations: Anger" part 1

Field Observation # 1 :Car without gas

2/27 7:56 pm

I was returning for grocery shopping; I saw walking on the footpath when I saw a black Toyota Camry Parked on the side of the road. The emergency lights were flashing. A loud, unpleasant voice made it to my ears. The source of that voice was the person who was talking on a cell phone who was leaning next to the car. He was angry because he was getting late as he had run out of gas. As I passed him, he kicked the tire of the car in order to vent his frustration.

Field Observation # 2 : My neighboour
My apartment
I had just completed my breakfast when I heard my neighbor on the phone .He was furious as he talked about being coned by someone. He was talking to his friend with rage and fury on the phone. I heard him scream. He was trying illusion himself by shouting, cursing as to think that he posed a power which would change the world to his liking which was impossible. The havoc was just to prove he was right when he was not.

Field Observation # 3 : Overpowered anger
2:13 pm
Spsu library
Near the completion of my research, I heard a loud noise which deviated the attention of all the people sitting at the computer portal. The source was the falling of the CPU which was kicked in aggression by a dull looking, idotic might enhance the description, person. The person at the reference center rushed to see what the noise was. The CPU was not damaged. The person seemed angry because he didn't like something he was seeing or reading on the screen of his PC.


Field Observation # 4 : The wet woman

I was standing on the second Floor of the J building looking down when I saw two people collide. The first impression was just that they would say sorry but this was different .The girl gave a stare and this was the end the guy was angry. He thought that even thought she was a female how she dares question my manliness. When they met the hearts were but when they left they were bitter cold.

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